Hakaluki estates
Hakaluki the largest estates estates. The area of 18.115 hectares, in the midst of an area of only 4,400 hectares of the bill. The greater Sylhet jelara Barlekha (40%), kulaura (30%), fenchuganj (15%), Gopalganj (10%) and beanibazar (5%) across a wide range. Geologically, the location, the north Tripura Meghalaya hills and foothills east. Upstream of the geological setting of the mountains almost every year since Hakaluki Haore endured flash floods. This Haore 80-90 small, large and medium are bills. In the winter migratory birds bicarane surrounding these bills became vocal in the area.
"Sea" from the term "wetlands" and the presence of is to be considered. The "Hakaluki" legend about the origin of the name include:
Janasrutimate, many years ago, the Maharaja of Tripura Omar midst of the army chief shark Singh jangalapurna Barlekha cookies and slimy to Luke as a vast area or hide that, over time the name of the area is the "Shark Luke" slowly "Hakaluki" is terminated in . According to another legend about two thousand years ago, a massive earthquake, "aka" down to the ground, one of the king and his kingdom was full of wind. Eventually, the wind is low the name "akaluki" or Hakaluki. More commonly, a one-time police Barlekha western "henkela", a tribe lived. Later this "henkeluki" Hakaluki name. Also the fact that, once lived near Hakaluki haorera cookies, Naga tribes. This haorera their own tribal language is named "Hakaluki", meaning "hidden assets".
Conservation importance
Hakaluki haorake surroundings area is considered compromised. Conservation and sustainable use of wetlands of international importance for the Ramsar area as well as to preserve it.
Hakaluki haorera plant varieties grown in standing jalasayagulote. One of the most interesting, floating large plants (swamp forest) is no longer available. Chatla bill in such a small size of the forest .
Bathan methods
Hakaluki haorera big field in the dry season to come from a variety of freely roaming cows, buffalo, goats, sheep etc. Coastal wetlands are areas, crop up in certain months of the year, the dry season in their domestic cattle Haore sent to people living Tosh, who supervises them. They do this in return gets the milk. At the end of the period of the actual owner of the cattle, and takes you back. The wetlands in the whole system, "Bathan" is called. Bathanera these cattle owners are making lots of milk. For this reason, local milk and curd Hakaluki wetlands area is famous for.
Effects of climate change
Main article: The impact of climate change
There are a large part of the fisheries haorancale midst Hakaluki wetlands area was filled most of the bills. According to the survey (Perspective 009): 81 in the bill is a complete and 33 partial filling the bill. Climate change and the rain is going to fall in Haor bilagulote decreased the amount of water. The result is that the bills are still alive, they have significantly reduced the amount of water found in a variety of threatened fish species praptiyogyata. The time it is not raining, or when, as a result of the storm together wetlands filled with water, but it is not permanent, so the fish do not come. The breeding of fish are being hindered. According to experts, because it is out of context, time, water can not leave the fish eggs. If it rains the water, lower the heat, leave the meantime, fish eggs. Stagnant water are more insulated, so the time needed rain too.
Hakaluki Haore dudharanera tree usually grows: sekaradhari (rooted) and floating. Haore sekaradhari plants can increase the amount of water is low. Thus, if a piece trees anyaprakarera tree damage. I love the trees, animals and fish from the elements do not have enough food. Haorancale where it was deep in the jungle, the (009), there is an uncontrollable dhudhu estates. According to locals, the opinion has changed stiff fall into recognizable. Now is not the time in the rain, when the storm together is. The wetlands filled with water, but it is not permanent, so pranibaicitrya threat of aquatic plants. The trademark cynicism Hakaluki Hijal, karaca, jarul, barunasaha the endangered aquatic plants related to rain. The lack of water in the absence of water-borne plant breeding, production is disrupted; For example, some fruit trees have started to take root in them, so they tore down the nipples started to fall seedling emergence. If the results of the water swept away down to the scattered trees leads. But the lack of water in one place all the fruit that is no good
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