world traveler bd Dreamland, Sylhet | Around the world travel guide

Dreamland, Sylhet

Dreamland inexhaustible delight bath


Close your eyes and imagine the turbulent waves of the sea bathing in the rollicking. Jalakhelaya grow aquatic. On the bow of the boat drifting in the water to stand, walk and run on the destination with the frozen waters of approval on the dream! In the silent darkness of the tunnel is a huge declined miles, then to the intensive Mitali jalasamudre comb or spring. London aira darkness towards the light of the similarity of the huge spin spun wiggle! Musical Fountain ... Come dance with the melody! Let's imagine ... Once everything is sort of like a dream, is not it? But this is not a dream at all, it's all said reality. So what I've said very little. Do you see the face of the enormity of the simple present is not possible in any way. Yes readers, guess who become impatient to hear the name of the place othechena hear! That is to say! Among the recreational park in dreamland 'Dreamland'. You do not leave a name heard. Knowing the direction of the road earlier. He let out a little more than instruction. Despite the optimism of the colorful celebration in mind than that nowadays rarely enjoyable moment comes. And life is too low, the dream did not enjoy muhurtagulo properly for the future is to asampurnata regrettably become witnesses. Enjoyable moments in life, you are always ready to meet the country and could not celebrate 'Dreamland eyamiujamyanta and water park. "The main entrance to the park is a well-high boundary wall. Meticulously hand painted on the amazing artistic patterns renowned artists. There is ample space for parking in front. Arup can not imply or aesthetics and inner widths. When passing through the gate in front of the right side of the long lake, and the lake is arranged in rows on the small speedboat. The ride will make you look. Contrary to the modern video games. Go ahead, go behind many other entertainment medium. D movies are a little more in front of the right hand. Once again a big gate in front of the face. On top of the 'Dreamland water park. Which is the only full-fledged water park outside Dhaka. Ride quality of the water is rich in nine of the country's largest oyebhapula Dreamland Aqua Park is self-glory. After standing to enter the security gate open to make sure you will be impressed. 'Oyebapulera ceramic stones in the sea Pirate otheche token! 

Wave after wave of the plane through the agents of the book. Placed near the 'Typhoon tunnel' serpent akabamka descended on the reservoir reaches. Subsidence of the tunnel through the translucent spring sailing boat mean endless path to eternal joy. Near 'family slide. 15 feet from the top to the bottom of a wide range of racing neck and neck with water reservoirs jhapasa come! The noise-revelry enjoyable. He is a different feeling! Dreamland Aqua Park 'kidsapula' best attractions for the kids. Kidsapule platform has four kids slide, tunnel, rocking, shower etc. As you will see from the side of the more good. 'Ramp slide, slide, water park is the only slide the yellow color. The ride will be available to all of a sudden feeling of wind. However, there is no reason to fear, seconds after dereka also guarantees a safe landing. The water park is 165 feet long, multi-slide 'only gives duhsahasiderai rights reserved. High and low wavy slaidatite can be found in this bold challenge to deal with tensions. I talked about in the water park. Now get out of there, in fact everything about Dreamland eyamiujamyanta parkara will feel like a dream! Narrow bridge over the lake, the scenic view of both sides of the street. On one side stands about 85 feet tall giant 'Ferry-S Wheel. The slow rotation of the light adhari game like you to bring her near mantramugdhera. Children are the most popular rides, 'Merry Go Round' roller-coaster 'and' Sky Train '. How to go: to the bus terminal in Sylhet golapaganjagami zakiganj or on a bus to get off at a place called hilalapura only 8-9 km away. CNG can go without having to hire an autorickshaw. Money to hire 00-50.

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